I've worked on a few CB500/CB550's in the past few years and they all had low compression due to carbon build up on the valves.
Here is a 20min video I put together that takes both compression and leak down before and after a top end "refresh". The "refresh" consisted of disassembling the engine down to the cylinder base gasket (the head gasket was leaking as well). After it was disassembled, everything was soda blasted, piston ring end gap checked, valves lapped, cam tensioner inspected for cracks, and then resealed with new gaskets.
Compression and leak down video:
Before "refresh" compression was 117, 97, 140, and 140 psi. Cylinder #2 with 97psi had over 30% leakage! After, the compression jumped up to 150-170 per manual specs and leakage down to 4.5%.
Some pics:
So anyone working on bringing their CB back to life should definitely start by checking compression!
Let me know if you have any questions.