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The demon queen of the Distinquished Gentleman's Ride was real fond of her Pack Animal bags. The owner of pack animal and his wife were participants too.Pack Animal, Seattle WAwww.packanimal.co
if you dont trial spin the camshaft in the head and cover you are a novice,with no natural mechanical appitude,destined for destruction.
I have these, they fit on all my vintage bikes. They are kind of small, OK for a single rider.https://www.amazon.com/Cortech-8230-0305-36-Black-Super-Saddlebag/dp/B008Q5J6UG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475154826&sr=8-1&keywords=saddlebags&refinements=p_89%3ACortechI also have another set that is more of a square design that the wife and I can fill for a weekend trip. I can't find any pics, but I have seen them on all the accessories web sites. Both sets are "throw-over" and can be carried like luggage when off the bike.