Anybody know why the wire is cut and why there's just a dangling connector?
Maybe why I don't have running rear light?
I'm severely color blind so I stay away from wiring, smh.
All the color blind techs I know had to use labels to get around wire color issues. A friend with color vision can get you started labeling. Then you "chase wires" with a circuit tracer, ohm meter, or continuity light. When you find the other end, add a label.
You are going to need a wire diagram to do proper troubleshooting.
I would unwrap the wire mods to see exactly what was changed/added. Reverse the changes and it will probably work as desired.
I don't like changing parts to troubleshoot unless you have ready access to free spares. You should be able to functionally verify any switch with an ohmmeter. As I recall the terminals had mnemonic markings which correspond to wire diagram labels.
The wire diagram I have shows a jumper in the harness near the key switch that connects terminal PA to TL1 (Park and Tail Light 1 circuits) These are both brown wires which power the run filament of the tail light. The Green/yel wire powers the brake lamp filament, when the foot pedal switch or the brake hydraulic switch is thrown, bridgeing it to the black wire 12 v distribution buss, which takes power from the main fuse on to the Key switch. If your bike runs the Black wire and fuse is working. Chase the green yellow to the tail light. You might verify the bulb is good if you find power on Green/Y with the pedal pressed.
Will be a challenge to fix without color sight. Perhaps a shop could be employed for this portion of the repair. Depends on your determination to fix it yourself.
Best of luck!