Carbs are more or less done. The accelerator pump fuel lines are soaking in the wintergreen oil mix to get them softened up a bit, verified the restrictors are still in place. Have one stripped bolt hole for a float bowl to take care of still. Got all the stainless socket bolts from, I would highly recommend them as they are way cheaper ($15 shipped for replacing all exterior bolts) than the hardware store and I placed an order wednesday and received the bolts saturday. Very impressed w/ them.

Drilled the front plate rivets out of the petcock and used a punch to smack the plate off. Found this loveley mess underneath, no wonder it wasn't working correctly. Ordered a new seal from ebay (part #
16955-268-020) for $7.50 and a new fuel strainer w/ o-ring from 4into1 for $24.

I also checked the compression of cylinders 1 & 4 quick since they are easiest to access and both were about 90 psi - so pretty awful. I'm going to verify valve clearances and timing and see if that helps at all. I wouldn't be surprised if piston rings and or valve seals are shot. So my first engine teardown may be in order. But I'll be sure it needs it before I get too bent out of shape about it.