got some work on the head. took work to clean off all the carbon from the exhaust ports. my main goal with the exhaust ports is to smooth it out as best i can, especially remove the casting lines and not necessarily widen the ports. what i do notice is that 1/4 ports are noticeably wider than 2/3. but it does look as if 2/3 are a little shorter. i sanded it with a die grinder using sanding mandrel with 80, then 100, 120 grits. then using the dremel with the abrasive buffing wheel to 180, 220, 320. For #$%*s and giggles i polished them with the course rouge. its no where near perfect but a learning opportunity and hopefully makes the exhaust flow a little easier.
i won't bore you with pics of every port, but here are some samples.
the valves took some beating, but they'll be sent out to be replaced at the end along with a new valve seats cut.
for the intake ports, i'll be grinding down the transition zones and deshrouding the combustion chamber but not go crazy like this.. going by the theory that the turbulence from the surface will help mix air and fuel better since its a carburated system. more to come.