...Right Wing extremists really worry me....
And left wing extremists don't?
Well I don't want to pre-empt Unki Ernie's response KK, but I think he's saying that this whole situation has come about because of intolerant right wingers, the "lefties", have been pretty inactive of late, don't you think? Cheers, Terry. 
Terry, check out what's happening on college campuses in the US. See leftists physically assault a conservative speaker in an official college discussion forum:
I'm not talking about the bleating of being so brave to dissent (Help! Help! I'm being repressed!); these are not cases of being "afraid" to dissent. Rather, they are cases in which free speech -- or privileges provided to other groups -- is denied to conservatives.
I can provide more examples, including personal ones, of leftists actually
preventing free speech both on and off college campuses. To be a member of a conservative organization on a college campus is often to know that not only are other students opposed to existence of your group, but also that the college administration may be eager to deny your group privileges granted to all others. At a minimum, complaints by conservative groups on campus often fall on deaf ears.
I would also say again that many of the tools now being used to fight terrorism (Echelon and Carnivore) were put in place a long time ago. Where was the outcry when Clinton deployed
Carnivore, a program that sifts all of our emails? Why has the media only now discovered
Echelon, a program that has probably been in place since the 1960's and which was fully described in the 1980's? Make an international call in the US, and Echelon is there. Why did few complain when
RICO -- a tool now used far beyond its original intent -- was enacted? Many of the provisions of RICO are similar to those in the Patriot Act; however, the difference is that RICO is much, much more likely to be used (justifiably or not) against an American, and of course, RICO does not have the Congressional reporting required by the Patriot Act. How can there be true fear of dissent when so many talk about it in private and public forums? Given that my views seem not to be with the majority in this forum, why is my view not considered dissent?
PLEASE, get my points here:
1) Left wing extremists are active and do now actively deny conservatives free speech.
2) Much hysteria now concerns programs put in place long ago by other administrations. Intellectual honesty causes us to ask why the hysteria now and not before?