I have teeth like ROCKS! I once went 15 years (of couse I'm neurotic about brushing) without going to a dentist. I had plaque that showed up on x-rays, but no cavities! After that, I happily went every 6 months, the dentist was a friend of mine, we'd yack like old ladies and he never had to do anything.
Then one day, a filling fell out. I went in, and he refilled it, no problem...BUT HE DID IT WRONG...and in about 9 months, pressure from the filling broke off a sliver of the tooth...it doesn't hurt, I'm very careful about keeping it clean...so I go back to the dentist...since my last appointment, he's sold his practice, and moved to Arizona! The new guy is a young punk, and told me that he could fix it for a couple hundred bucks, but I have two top wisdom teeth that needed to come out first...bear in mind that these teeth, unlike most other people's came in straight and uncramped just like the others...they're in very healthy condition...but he said I had to go to an oral surgeon to have them removed...I called the oral surgeon, and they wanted another 800.00 to remove them!
It's been 4 years, and I still haven't gotten it fixed. What ever happened to dentists who just do what needs to be done?