Thanks guys, I'll start a thread for the Luftmeister turbo conversion when I get to that project, but there are a few others in front of it, including selling one or two off to raise funds for ones that I actually want to keep. No biggie, you gotta raise money, to spend money.
Yesterday I did the chain and sprocket swap, and some wiring. Actually, I did some wiring, then the chain and sprocket swap. This is important, because the wiring took much more time than the chain and sprocket swap, which I found surprising. Firstly, I wanted to wire in a charger port so I can leave the trickle charger plugged in when not in use, without the alligator clips attached to the battery method, which I find untidy, and even possibly dangerous. I drilled another hole in the volt meter bracket, and installed a "Narva" female adapter plug.
Saturday Zed James Bonding 29 Feb 2020 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I wired it straight to the battery, I did think about just hooking it into the wiring for the voltmeter, but realised that I could only use the negative wire anyway, unless I left the ignition on, to charge the battery, which seemed counter-intuitive, or maybe just stoopid, depending on whether I'm being a bit hard on myself, or not.
Sunday Zed Too Far Away 1 Mar 2020 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
When I measured the wires from the plug, somehow I fcuked up and made each wire too short, by a comfy 4 or 5 inches. I'd already crimped on the connectors, so I had 2 useless wires, to add to my useless wire collection. Then I had a light bulb moment, or perhaps just a brain fart, but I remembered my last outing on the beast in black,and remembered that when all the wirig failed, I had to hot wire the ignition directly from the battery to the coil. Hmmnnn, if I just had 2 wires that were a tad short for my battery charger receptacle, and a sneaky switch that I could hide behind a sidecover, if my main wiring harness took a sh1t, I could just flip the switch, and ride home. No lights or blinkers etc, but that's OK, as long as I can get home I don't give a crap, and as everyone knows, "safety" is my middle name. (no one, except serial killers, are ever referred to by their middle names, have you ever noticed that? Lee Harvey Oswald? How many folks ever called him "Harvey" until he (apparently) blew JFK's (did Marilyn Monroe ever say "Give it to me "Fitzgerald" when he was practising hyperthermia drill with her?) brains all over the occupants of his Ford Lincoln? Wow, I've got more questions than answers today, must be time for my meds? Anyway, here's my sneaky switch:
Saturday Zed James Bonding 29 Feb 2020 5 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Yes I know, it looks large in the pic, but in reality you need to pull the sidecover, then feel around under the seat frame to find the switch. Very "Jane Blonde"............ Ooh, I also wired in a 15A circuit breaker (not fuse) into the one power wire that actually feeds power from the battery into the harness at the moment. Looks good.
Saturday Zed James Bonding 29 Feb 2020 4 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
OK, so I checked it all, it all worked, I kicked the spawn of satan in the balls and it fired up, (more on that later) then moved the bike a whole 3 feet so I could access the rear wheel. I put jack stands under the rear footpeg hangers (no centre stands on race bikes) unclipped the chain, and popped out the rear wheel.
Saturday Zed James Bonding 29 Feb 2020 8 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Removing/replacing the sprocket took no time at all, same/same for the front. One problem though, is the chain. Too short. Ever the scrounger, I found a new, unused section of "Non O Ring" chain and used 2 joining links just to make it all work so I can move it around.
Saturday Zed James Bonding 29 Feb 2020 9 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Saturday Zed James Bonding 29 Feb 2020 9a by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I've ordered a new 50 dollar (US) chain from the US, so when it arrives, this one goes. It was only when I walked past Spotty's K7, still under a bike cover on my trailer and realised that it probably has a perfectly serviceable 630 chain on it, but what the heck, I'd rather have a new one anyway.
While I had the sprocket cover off I swapped out the clutch pushrod. I compared it to the one that came with some spares I bought, and they look identical, but what the hell, I swapped 'em anyway, and suddenly I had to take all the slack out of the cable (I'm talking maximum slack here men, it was like the new clutch cable was pre-worn out) and now it appears to be working better, although, I still couldn't shift back into neutral?
It reminded me of my POS 1979 Ducati 900SS, it's gearbox was fcuked, when it was pulled apart, it was so bad after 20,000 miles all the bearings were fcuked, and the hard facing was worn off all the gears. I don't think the Kawa box is fcuked, it changes up and down fine, just won't change into neutral with the engine running? Maybe all the gears have been back cut? (when I had the gears in my 836 back cut, the engineer didn't do 1st and 2nd, because he said it'd be harder to change from 2nd to neutral, or from 1st to neutral. I guess we'll see when I pull it apart to install the new crank. And head..........