my "peeking" alluded to earlier did involve removing the cover -- no scrapie scrapie.
golly, it's hard to keep that oil debate at bay, isn't it?
the more i listen, the more i think it's just me hearing what i couldn't hear before with a louder pipe and rattly chain and valves (although i can still hear the valvetrain making normal noise separately - this noise is further down, sounds like). gears can't be expected to be silent, right? especially after 28,000 miles? it's just a faint but discernible whine. somewhere between a whine and a "shhh". it's not just in one gear, but most noticeable in 5th, and more noticeable after running at high speed for a while. that's the part that caused me to even bring it up, as it's not that alarming a noise.
the shifting is fine, no slippage, not much lash.
perhaps a tired bearing somewhere in there? are there particular parts that tend to be worn by now? on my older cars, pilot bearings go into retirement and hiss until clutch time. anyway, just something to talk about....