Terry, by your reckoning, does the USA owe a debt for spreading the "Spanish" flu in 1918?
3109 new cases today in AZ, 26 deaths. People are refusing to wear masks where required...
The Spanish flu, small pox, the black plague, etc etc were all before both my time and yours Scott, so I don't see any point in discussing history irrelevant to the current crisis. This thread is about the current pandemic, and who is ultimately responsible for an estimated 200,000 Americans who already have died, or will die, as a result.
Yes, people are stupid and not wearing masks when 1 in every 200 Americans has the disease is both dangerous and irresponsible, but it doesn't help that the "Powers that be" in the US are encouraging people to go back to work, to eat in restaurants, drink in bars, crowd into shopping malls, even attend election rallies, and act as if it's all over, just because it suits their political agendas. The lunatics have taken over the asylum, and they're risking the lives of good people who they don't give a sh1t about.
The Corona Virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China. Due to the lax safety protocols in that lab, the virus was carried out of the lab by a lab worker, and quickly spread in Wuhan, a city of 8 million. When patients started to present at hospitals with flu-like symptoms that rapidly developed into mass deaths, medical staff became very concerned, and reported it to the Communist Party, as they were required to do. They were told to keep quiet, and not make it public. One doctor who couldn't stay quiet was arrested, incarcerated, and probably murdered. The official story was that he succumbed to the virus, but it's also pretty well known that the "cure" for serious Covid-19 cases in China is a lethal injection............
The WHO became concerned about rumours of a pandemic in China, but were told that while there was a virus, there was low risk of it being easily transferable from person to person, like SARS (from China) and the Bird Flu (from China also). Hence your President's original misinformed statement that it would be wiped out by Easter, and his subsequent defunding of the WHO in retaliation for embarrassing him, and the WHO's apparent pandering to the CCP. This (low risk of transmission) of course was a lie, designed to give the CCP time to allow over one million infected people to leave China to travel around the world to infect people in almost every country in the world, to ensure that none of China's "enemies" would have an advantage over China, while China battled to contain the virus.
At the same time, due to the rest of the west relying so heavily on China to manufacture everything from hand sanitiser to toilet paper, to respirators, China made an absolute fortune selling sub standard PPE and medical equipment to "protect" people around the world, from a virus that originated in China, and the CCP knowingly allowed to reach every corner of the world.
The only way to stop it in any country is to close and secure the borders, (how's that wall going?) lock down the population, mandate social distancing, close all public spaces, forget about the fcuking election (it doesn't matter who you elect, one will be as powerless to stop the pandemic as the other, it's just an exercise in vanity) and sell off all Chinese owned assets in your country to help prop up the inevitable economic downturn. The last figure I saw was 30 million new unemployed, all getting an extra $600 per week on top of their usual unemployment benefits, where's that extra 18 billion dollars per week coming from? The 1.2 trillion dollars that America currently owes the CCP would come in pretty handy right now, methinks?
Oh, and get rid of those CCP influenced "Useful idiots" who are rioting and taking over government buildings while chanting "Defund the police" and being paid by guess who, to cause as much mayhem as possible, to take China's culpability, and responsibility, off the front pages of the newspapers..........