Got blind drunk on Friday night and lost my keys. The car key I can deal with because I have a spare. I do not, however, have a spare bike key.
Maybe someone with more brain cells than you took your keys away from you, before you maimed or killed yourself or someone else?
Most people on Planet Earth have more brain cells than I do, however both bike and car were parked at my house because I walked the short distance into town. I had had a bad day - getting blind drunk with my mate was the plan all along. I don't drink or ride under the influence.
It's an aftermarket ignition switch installed by the POSPO, I have another one that just got delivered this morning. Otherwise yes, I would have had another key ordered. It's going to be a bear to install, because my oil tank etc are right up against it so there's very little working room. I've enlisted my squeeze to assist tonight as she has tiny hands.
An added layer of difficulty is that I don't currently have a garage having recently moved, however I'm going to run an extension cord from the power outlet in my SUV so I can use my soldering iron. Presumably while surrounded by the neighborhood kids, as was the case when I adjusted my valves, timing, cam chain, carb sync the other day on the side of the street.