You city guys are going to void your bowels reading this.....I live in a rural area, when the post person delivers a package too big for the box, she will get out of her car and knock, if I'm not home, she will leave it INSIDE my door ( I don't even know where my house key is for the last 30 years) Now, the best part, Among my other hobbies is Civil War reenacting, and high power rifle shooting. Since my name is probably well known to the BATF goons I do all the ordering of black powder for my Civil War Organization, and have ordered surplus ammo for myself and others at the rifle club, The UPS guy has never ask for a signature for anything. If I'm not home, he leaves it by the front door. No, I don't have Mastiffs nor am I known as a unstable gun nut by the neighbors, but its just the way of doing things here. Am I gonna get nailed one of these days, probably.....but I hate to think my area being like what the rest of this country is turning into.