aside from sending it to me for a 100,000 mile "break in"
I'd leave it a quart low and add the final quart through one of the #4 tappet covers just prior to start up.
Put a few (10-15) drops of oil in through the plug holes, add old well gapped plugs.
Fire it up, tune it, spank the crap out of it for about 25-50 miles.
Then add new plugs, and new oil.
On a new engine I change the oil at 50 miles, 200 miles, and 500 miles.
and after that I change at 2000 mile intervals or 6 months, whichever comes first...
50-200-500 is exactly what I did too. The 200 mile oil change wasn't planned though, seems I buggered the 4th gear selector on assembly and had to split the cases to fix

SamCR750 swapped his oil after 20 minutes on the stand. I think the first couple of oil changes are to get all the assembly grease out, more so than debris. My oil looked like sludge at 50 miles and still had an odd sheen at 200. 500 miles looked more like it should and some fine metal powder showed up on the magnetic drain plug.
10-40 is good for break-in 'cause it circulates so easily and you won't be treating the motor rough anyway. I've been running 10-40 on both bikes, but may switch to 15-40 or 20-50 on the new one since it does get hot with all that high rpm riding. I've been changing oil every 1500 after initial break-in period just to be on the safe side. At 3500 miles that is five oil changes so far

Hey Sean,
How about posting your set up. Meaning engine mods, exhaust, air cleaner system, which CRs and the final jetting and, of course, dyno if you have had it done.
Wil do, Rxman. The dyno will be done before Christmas. Just got the CR's on this weekend and am doing initial tuning. With the Dyna 2000 there are more variables to play with between ignition timing and jetting/clip position so it may take a bit for me to get things smoothed out. The weak link in my set-up is the Kerker can with no baffle( just a end cap ) and I hope to have a different pipe on by end of month. I've been watching Sparty's posts with interest 'cause we have similar set-ups.
'78 750F motor
K7 head with stage 2 porting(Mrieck), oversize intake valves, Kibblewhite springs,Ti retainers
Webcam 63a cam
Wiseco 836 pistons
balanced/lightened crank(APE)
polished/balanced/shot peened stock F2 rods(Mrieck again)
Keihin CR 29mm carbs w/pod filters
Dyna 2000 ignition
Kerker can on Mac header, no baffle(no back pressure either, pooh)
Initial tuning so far is:
Dyna 2000: set on #4 advance curve with 38 degrees total advance timing
Keihin 29mm:
#62 pilots, mix screws at 7/8 turns
Needles in middle clip
#122.5 mains
So far I've fixed some trouble with the starter circuit on the carbs and with these settings have good idle and great midrange. A little hesitation off idle and slow accel when I crack wide open. Think that mains will have to go above 125 with this exhaust which is why I'm eager to change it out before going much further on tuning.
OK, sorry to hijack your thread Sparty. Keep posting your results as you get it up and running and I'll do the same