Background: Just this morning the wife was crying to me about expenses and paying down our debt. She handles the money, and it got a bit pressured lately (though we aren't in any real distress or trouble, thank G-d) . She was pretty stressed. I take it in stride; we always come through with a little hard work and perseverance. She has a very good job, and I just started another one; so we'll get it in hand pretty quickly.
This evening she comes into my study, and watches part of the Triumph race film with me on the internet. Then she says, "hey, do you want a Norton Commando?" I almost fell out of my chair. She doesn't ask things like that theoretically. "But just this morning you were telling me how tight expenses have gotten. Besides, what are we doing-opening a motorcycle museum? I still have to get that old Triumph out at Stan's running and home." "I know", she says "but one of my patients said he knows you like classic bikes and he wants to sell his Norton. I told him you might be interested."

Should I call the guy? I have three bikes under covers in the snow right now. The only bike in the garage is the wife's. I don't know how she thinks we should do this, financially or space-wise. Of course, I'm stupid for asking you lot for advice...

I have to say, I do have a gem of a woman...