Author Topic: a HUGE thank you to the SOHC4 forum (giving credit were due)  (Read 999 times)

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Offline Spikeybike

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a HUGE thank you to the SOHC4 forum (giving credit were due)
« on: March 26, 2008, 09:32:09 PM »
i really wanted to stop and say how extremely grateful i am to members of this forum that have taken time out of there busy life to help out a member in need

for those that don't know to sum it up, my bike caught fire within a month of me finishing it , many members donated stuff to the rebuild , many more sent emails wishing they had parts to give,
i even got a wad of cash from across the pond. all wishing me the best.

this really blew me away, and it has been my major motivation in the rebuild (aside from riding it of course)

anyway i wanted to give some credit to those who donated

a huge thanx to:

thank you , very much , you guys are the sh1t.
all the emails from others were just as uplifting as the parts were thanx to you also

 OK i'm gonna go back to being a hard a$$ now
« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 09:34:06 PM by spikeybike »