I think there is a thrill to the exploration of something new still. There's just not so much new stuff now that I've tried alot of it. Definitely alot of thrills playing a Plexi Marshall the first time or a Laney, a Vox AC30, Fender Super(Twin, Deluxe, Pro) Reverb, or a Showman, playing through an Echolette, a WEM Copycat, Echoplex, Audiovox, different digital units, different effects, I love Fuzz Pedals and was really excited(and still am) to find my Bass Brassmaster. It's a Maestro pedal. It has the Fuzztone sound, plus some extra tweaks. It was a new old stock item I found in an ancient store that was going out of business. 30+ years old still new in the box.
At the same time, I'm really content with what I have. There are some things I'd like to either get or get again. I really regret selling my Stratocaster. Same with my Deluxe Reverb. I kick myself for getting rid of what in hindsight was my favorite rig. Then in the new column, I'd like to try a Gretsch. I've never spent any quality time with a Gretsch. Just a little time with a Duojet, which I thought was great. But in the meantime, I'm happy to play what I've got.