Run away, drop it in the ocean.
They are the second most horrible little bikes ever made. (the chocolate camshaft rubber band cam tensioner VF750 is the worst ever) doing anything on the carbs needs a couple of pixies and a lot of luck.
They were designed to make it out of warranty and be scrapped. I really cant think of a single good thing to say about them? Reliable rectifier maybe?
They suck big time, I hate them and if you ask I'll tell you how I really feel 
No, really, give us your honest opinion. 
It doesn't matter who owned them, well maintained or beat to hell.
I spent way too much time (in a Suzuki/Yamaha dealer) working on the POS.
The local Honda dealer (just across the street) was always 'too busy' (even when laying people off through lack of work)
I guess that should tell you something?
Now you got me going, what about the inboard disc's on CBX550's, VF400, etc. another piece of #$%*e technology from Honda.
Honda make inline fours pretty well (except the designers of cam chain tensioners should be strung up by the B***
and beaten about the head with one)
The SOHC 500/550/650/750 can be made to work well and are uber reliable, even when modified and beaten hard, I never
tried killing mine but it almost always go me home (one real failure in 106,000 miles, cam chain tensioner stuck and allowed chain to jump sprocket) it had ignition fail on 2/3 cyls, switches fell apart, seized #3 cylinder but kept going.
Got bored to 591cc after seizure, did 13,500rpm occasionally then came back for more.
I'll rant some more later