This is gonna be a first for me... I have a few cb's.. but my normal operation is to do basic it over to the shop to get tuned up... etc...
But after reading throug FAQ's... and hitting the search boards... I've mustered up enough ( I hope) courage to tear down one of my cb500's...
Winter's comin....and I want to have something to do during the rainy season...
So I'll put my pics on here...showing my progress..and what I have run across.. This forum is a bit late as I already have torn it down... but I'll try to get on point with the rebuild.
If you see anything I'm F***'n up.... please sound off...'cause i'd hate to put it back together and regret something...
Thanks in advance for your help. Hopefully after this endeavor...I gain enough experience and confidence to tear down my 74 cb550.
I've put these pics up before.. but here's the lifespan this CB's already had....


then I got bored again..

finally resting on a cafe-ish bike

now a complete tear down.... I'm hopefully turning it into something like....

Here's a seat I just recieved (mocked up spare tank)..... I'm working on how to relocate the battery and e-panel. I'll search through the "search" option.