AHuff, I know for a fact I found it on the www.650motorcyles.com website,
You sure, its not watermarked with 650motorcycles.com, and the picture is quite a bit bigger than 600x400.
You're right AHuff, I searched for over an hour for this file and I finally found it's location, but it doesn't seem to have any more details about it.
http://www.xs650.nl/cpg/displayimage.php?album=2&pos=15jockeyJournal.com is the internet hang out for folks that like to bob and chop old truimphs. Some make great donors, but if I had a cherry late 60's Bonniville - I would never do that.
I love the cafe and Bobber bikes, well before they bacame the latest fad, but respect the originals much more than a bob job. Build a bobber out of scrap parts...
I've scrolled around JockeyJournal a bit, and there is some pretty good info and pics there. I am in complete agreement with not slaughtering a triumph, I've been pretty much talked out of doing that. However, when I
do find a yamaha xs650, it will be in pretty bad shape. I find it quite ridiculous to purchase an almost mint bike like these and just rip it apart, and this is for two main reason: 1. I don't have the money to by a mint bike ($1500-10,000) bike just to rip it apart and turn it into a bobber. I do however have time to kill during the winter season to ressurect an xs650 from the brink of the scrap yard and turn it into a nice sleek styled, good running bobber.
I suppose this thread should be renamed to XS650 Bobber How to.

I am searching quite a bit for one, so when I do finally get it, I'll be starting a thread in "Other Bikes" cataloguing the build. I just hope I don't catch too much grief about turning a bike into a bobber. I know for some it's sacrileges (so to speak) to do so, but I really do love the style and uniqueness of it. I think the task will be challenging and quite fun to do.