Donno if they'll work, but you can have my 550 headlight ears for the cost of shipping. Lemme know.
Thanks for the offer, I'm really not sure if they will work. Anyone know? If you can take some rough measurements I can check also.
Appreciate it!
It's been a little over a week since my hit and run now. The bike is totally disassembled, and I'm doing my best to get it tip top again. My biggest headache has been to do with my exhaust damage. It's a pair of replica 4-4's and I will do just about
anything to get them repaired seeing they're discontinued. They're made out of stainless steel and have a nice thick chrome plating on them.
Will a skilled metal worker be able to remove gouges/dings and smooth the metal for chroming?
Can anyone recommend a fair shop, or skilled friend that's talented with metal?