After getting the seals out, the rest was a breeze...
Here is a closer shot of the old seals, and the lower half of the inner rubber that I had to trim off in order to get the teeth of the puller under it.
Here are the shocks with the seals just having come out, and ready for cleaning.
Cleaned all the parts, piston, springs and pressure cap for each fork, then used the old seal to mallet in the new ones. Once done I assembled the forks without the top cap bolts, leaving the springs in the forks visible.
Now with two perfectly cleaned and sealed forks, I reinstalled them on the bike and poured 6.4 oz. of 15w Fork Oil in the open top and bolted the caps on. This pic is a little dark, don't know if you can see my funnel or not.
Back from a short test ride, felt good but it's raining so I couldn't really get on the brakes.
Saved myself 200 bones and my weekend by doing it myself. And I know exactly what condition every part of my forks are in (better than I thought). Win!