Have to tell you, before we got married, we would go over to my parents house (I was still living there, at the time) and play Double Solitare, I would beat her every single time! Well, a couple of years later (after we were married), she told me that she LET me win!

I was furious! She quickly admitted that she was kidding me and said that she didn't realize that I would take it that way.
Also, before we were married: Brenda, her mother and her sister were going to Tulsa, OK in her road runner and her mother told her sister to look at something (don't remember what now), her sister said, "Where?" and her mother said "back there!" (pointing back behind them.

Brenda has been said to have made those Little Rock to Tulsa trips in about 2hrs, back in the day. BTW, she always claimed that HER road runner would outrun MINE!

We never did "line them up".
I want to thank each and everyone of you for ALL the support that you all have given. I promise you that it ALL helps, every bit! I've had losses before and they each were very special. That being said, I was dumb enough to think that, when the time came, I would have SOME problem with it and I thought I had an idea about how I'd feel. Boy, was I EVER off on THAT one! Now, I realize that I wasn't even close on how I would take it. You (or, at least, I) would have thought that loosing both sets of Grandparents, my Mom AND my Sister (over time, mind you) would have somewhat prepared me for my Wife's passing. Gotta say, I don't like the term Widower, but that's what I am. It has been so shocking to lots of folks around here too! I went to Bost today (where we worked) and so many were saying, "wasn't she just in here a couple of days ago? She seemed fine then. What happened? If I've gone through the sequence of the events that morning once, I've gone through it at least 20 times (maybe more).

I don't do too badly until I get to the part where I say that her breathing stopped and when I (once again) checked her pulse, there wasn't any.

That's where I start losing it.
Thanks for being there, Bill