Andy those do look nice, I'll have to check into that. I can see from the pics they're probably up a good 3 inches and out another 2 at least. I'm not a narrow guy and I always feel as if I'm squeezing my shoulders a bit. If I remember correctly, didn't you just clear over the metal of your tank? I love it.
Myhondas, I KNEW it was gonna get uncomfortable at some point, but I had to see what the old girl had since I rebuilt the top end. Still running pretty smooth at the end, although I know I need to match my shortened tach with a shorter speedo cable. And despite the compromise with the bars, I think my butt hurt the worst, keep in mind it's stock. The compromise was either get a fugly big windscreen with the aerodynamics of a brick, or get some clubmans or clipons and get a small fairing at some point. My view is you can take an awesome looking bike and put a big windscreen on it and ruin the look. Goldwing, okay, it looks like it's supposed to be there, but not on the cb's.