i didnt mean my post so sound like i felt that all deserved what they got, it's just too damn bad when someone gets all drunk and drugged up and they get behind the wheel and kill themselves. it's 100x worse when they hurt or kill any innocent. when i think about all the times i got baked (and more than a few times trippied) ir drank then got behind the wheel i just shudder. thank god i never hurt of killed anyone. the morning i went out to my truck to go to work and it was sideways in my driveway, and i didnt remember ANYTHING about getting there was the day i quit drinking and driving. i wont even drive for a week or 2 after starting a new med now, just to gauge it's effects. i'm lucky that i made it to middle age and are able to look back on those times and kick myself in the ass for doing it. those little kids that were killed will never have the opportunity to do any of the stuff i've been able to do. these days, i even look on the trials i'm going through as a blessing, because at least i'm alive to beable to go through this stuff.