Andy(750) was kind enough to take a few photos of my engine build last weekend over at Mike Rieck's. His photos were inspiring and I thought I'd post a couple to show that I actually do have a cb, and am into trying to keep it going with a little gusto. I asked Mike to help me build an engine that would kick the pitoot out of my brother John's HD 1450 with some se stuff. John almost always boots it when we go out rt 2 west. If I'm really together I can match him pretty well on my old r100, but I wanted to smoke his a$$.
We started with new cases on up. I have a k3 bike but most of the parts I used except for the crank and my head were from 77 and 78 models. Mike had already done some headwork for me and has done some more as well using larger intake valves, hard welded cam and followers ( Megacycle), and some nice new guides, as well as hd springs and ti retainers. APE balanced and lightened the crank and I replaced the primary chains with a neat set with solid pins and really strong plates, and a new tensioner. Andy and I were helping Mike to paint our cylinder castings over the weekend, and I'm looking forward to getting the top end seated this coming week. Anyway, here's what we have so far. Thanks again Andy and bigtime thanks to Mike!