TT that is a complex subject here in Canada. We are inundated with American news, entertainment and political "thought"? This is because of the proximity of the population to the border, we also get a fair amount of stuff on our own networks because of your size and supposed position in the worlds hierarchy, some of analysis is definitely presented as "Oh my God" there they go again, some is presented as "Oh they are so wonderful" why can't we be them and other is presented as "our brothers are doing this" with an explanation if what you are doing is thought to be obscure to most Canadians, I think the problem starts because of the media coming across the border, add to that our own media mix and we are inundated with Americanism, not to bad, but we are not Americans and we have to find our own solutions to the worlds problems. I personally jump on you guys because of the assumptions you make that your way is # 1, maybe but I and others need a secound opinion, and a third opinion to make up our own minds. Hope this adds light not static.
Bill the demon.
Ps I think all news services are lazy and just grab what they want off of other news services rather than doing their own leg work.
I can easily believe you get a combination of homeland nationalism as well as nearby country nationalism slanted media. It's the countries similar to Australia, that would likely get the "national pride" newscasts that vilify/ill-slant just about every country outside their own and keep positive reports from outside local borders to a minimum. Actually, it's any country with natural or "sealed" borders, including the US. The point is that geography plays a traditional as well as physical role in news media semantics. Happy people buy more product, are more complacent, and are less likely to become activists. If they (the media/gov) can make you happier about the place where you live, rather than elsewhere, it's a win-win. You stay put in your demographic, geographic, consumer consumptive, tax paying, repeat-viewer position.
I know the BBC puts anti-Americanism in a lot of their programming without a lot of subtlety (for those outside the UK) of course. I expect UK residents have just gotten used to it and now accept it as pervasive and a reinforcement of "fact". I've also seen news shows from Germany that slant against the USA ( as well as other countries). If a Canadian broadcasters isn't interested in selling commercials to the Americans, the same thing occurs with Canadian media, which seem to redistribute BBC broadcast material. That is what I observed from my visits to Canada, anyway.
Europe may be a bit different because so many countries share a border. So, I expect distance plays a factor. It's much harder to personally scrutinize the validity/facts of a story when greater distance between where it happened, and where it was reported, comes into play. Plus, it is always popular to take pot shots at those at the top of the hill. Especially if they don't have much hope of ever getting to the top without knocking them off that position.
I'm limited in that I only know one language. I can't really know what many of the broadcasts from foreign countries really teach their residents. I do know that the animosity/hatred shown toward my nationality, seldom extends to the personal level (beyond initial contact, anyway). So, just what is it beside media/gov propaganda that causes that?
And here in lies the problem. You have just done what pisses most of us off about America, you have blamed everyone else instead of looking at why this "bad press" happens. Don't you find it kind of strange that your allies have these views.? It is extremely arrogant to believe all the bad press is just contrived rubbish Lloyd, Wikileaks is letting the rest of the world know what we already suspect, Americans {not all} Think they are better than the rest of the world and have been caught out hanging #$%* on EVERYONE but them selves and will now try to criminalise wikileaks for doing this. America could do itself a lot of good to stop playing "world police" and look seriously at themselves, blaming the rest of the world is bull#$%* mate and if that is really what you think then you are just part of the problem, The US needs to be more accountable and less arrogant......The truth hurts and that is all that Lasange and his people have done, and we all have a right to know this....America is painting its own picture, don't blame the rest of the world for looking at it....
Well Bill, whatever comes out in those cables would be of no surprise to me, nor am I shocked intelligence gathering goes on. It is business as usual for all Governments. Everyone wants to know what everyone else is up to. The double dealing in the Arab World is more embarrassing to them than us. The Saudi's want us to attack Iran who scares them, while they make payments to Al Quieda. What if we make a deal with Iran, to step aside if they move against the Saudi's and we buy the oil from them?
The US was drawn into WWI and after that European adventure disarmed and become isolationist. So much so, Franklin Roosevelt promised the Mothers of the US that he would never send their Sons to fight on foreign soil. The US military was a joke at that time since we had no threats on our borders. The mood of the Country was to let Europe sort out it's own mess. England would probably hold out to the last man, but would have fallen. The Japanese would have swept the Pacific rim including Australia almost at will. The Aussies were demon fighters, but they need the material, and they got it.
The US was either maneuvered or forced into WWII after Pearl Harbor. How is not important, what happened next is.
The US had the natural resources and Factories and Shipyards that could operate 24/7 unmolested by bombers every night. Ships, planes, Tanks and Firearms were produced at a staggering rate. While others were working on it, the US developed a Nuclear weapon first. My Dad worked on the Bomb.
The problems in Europe took an Industrial power and created a Military superpower, and unlike after WWI did not disarm.
The Soviets were a rising power with expansion on their minds. Who was in a position to assist our European "friends" balance the Soviets?. You guessed it.
The people who needed us in WWII, needed us after the war. They were busy rebuilding their war damage, we had none. They turned the US into the defacto policeman of the free World. Maybe some of our Allies did not care for us, but they liked our style more than the other guys. If we are arrogant, we were made arrogant by having the people who consider us arrogant, look to us to protect them.
The situation is just that simple and just that complex. I am no fan of how we got this way, but that is the way it turned out.