Author Topic: Digital speedo in tach housing  (Read 1494 times)

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Offline streetCB

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Digital speedo in tach housing
« on: October 02, 2021, 05:39:27 AM »
Dear SOHC forum,

I have come to worship at the alter of collective CB wisdom.

I am rebuilding a weathered 78 CB 750F. I have chosen to replace the front end with an early R6 fork and adapted the hub
along the lines of Funjimmys build from a few years ago.

I am keeping everything else relatively stock and wanted to run the original Speedo and tachometer with the lights
Unfortunately its not possible as there  is no way to adapt the mechanical speedo cable drive to the new front wheel set up.

I remember some years ago coming across a video of someone installing a small ? bicycle speedo inside the tachometer housing
of a vintage motorcycle tachometer, possibly a CB. I think this is a clever solution for my issue however I cant find the video anywhere on the internet. The whole joint.. I cant find
it. It's ridiculous.

Has anyone seen this in the past? does anyone know where to find it?

If not could anyone suggest where I could go about sourcing some instruction and the right quality bits to do the job.

Failing that, are there any other solutions to operating the original gauge cluster without the speedo mechanical drive that makes sense?



Offline streetCB

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Re: Digital speedo in tach housing
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2021, 12:20:54 AM »

Cheers calj737,

 and its been done right here on the forum. Looks quite good. Thanks.