I never have had the petcock off the tank. I know, I know... it's something I figured I'd get to the second week I owned the bike. Right after I did my 3000 mile tune-up and got the brakes working well. You know how it goes, those fixes will only take me a week or so...
...3 months later, I have gotten those things pretty tight (almost, almost). Soon enough it will be time for me to get the tank off, refinish it a bit and do the petcock etc.. When i did the carb cleaning, they were basically spotless. Shocking really, considering the state of the rest of the bike. So I was not so worried about the petcock, or not enough to start there.
The thing that baffles me is that it has run fairly well, and has never had this type of discoloration. I know that sitting for 2 weeks could be the difference, but it was not particles in there, just an odd color to the gas. The in-line filters don't seem to have any buildup, and despite the air bubble (apparently due to their horizontal positioning) the carbs seem to get fuel well enough. I have run it twice since I found this kooky gas color, once at idle for about 20 minutes, and again for a quick ride to and from the lady's place. Both times she ran quite smooth (in 30-35 degree weather!), and this gas traveled the system without incident.
I'm keeping my eye on it until I can get the tank off and really take a look around...