Author Topic: Is it true? Europeans.....  (Read 7543 times)

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #75 on: February 01, 2011, 11:29:40 PM »
I kinda see what srust is saying.... if you do a traffic violation and a cop takes  note of your # plate... can you get a fine in the mail, or does the cop have to stop you and get your license, I.D. etc. ??
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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #76 on: February 01, 2011, 11:37:57 PM »
I kinda see what srust is saying.... if you do a traffic violation and a cop takes  note of your # plate... can you get a fine in the mail, or does the cop have to stop you and get your license, I.D. etc. ??
Over here, if someone else is driving your car and that happened all you do is send the fine back with the name of the driver and the cops take it up with them....

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #77 on: February 01, 2011, 11:48:09 PM »
I can't hardly believe that Retro !!....... If you get a fine in the mail then you can 'pass it off 'to some bloke you don't like !! C'mon, your cops can prove anything out of that !
In Europe the registered owner gets the fine from the camera pic., up to the owner to sort out who was driving his car that day ....... different society, I guess YOU are responsible for whoever is driving your car, different concept than here........ correct me if I'm wrong  :)
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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #78 on: February 01, 2011, 11:59:39 PM »
I can't hardly believe that Retro !!....... If you get a fine in the mail then you can 'pass it off 'to some bloke you don't like !! C'mon, your cops can prove anything out of that !
In Europe the registered owner gets the fine from the camera pic., up to the owner to sort out who was driving his car that day ....... different society, I guess YOU are responsible for whoever is driving your car, different concept than here........ correct me if I'm wrong  :)

Nah its not like that, there are questions associated with the offence on the back of the fine, it is usually a family member or friend that is going to drive your car, if its someone that you don't like then they probably stole it in the first place.... ;D j/k
While there are disputes its like, one guy said his friend was driving and when the cops went around to see her, she had been dead for 3 years... ;D   He got the fine, he also got into more #$%* for lying and causing it to go to court... If you think about it, it would be stupid to do that because once the real driver was sorted out you would be in the #$%* big time for all the false info, it would be impossible to prove that the other guy was driving because the onus is on the owner to verify the information. It works here well without any fuss at all.....

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #79 on: February 02, 2011, 01:43:58 AM »
What makes it worse in the UK (or better!) is that only 10% of the speed cameras actually work at any one time becasue of the cost of maintaining them. You'd think it'd all be digital photographs transferred over the internet instantly but oh no. The good bit about that is that the police money making scheme doesn't work so well, the bad thing is that the camera could still flash and you spend the next however many days waiting to see if the letter hits the doormat....if you're a naughty speeder of course ;D

We have mini roundabouts here in the UK all over the place - a white circle painted on the road. What is insane is that if you get caught driving over the white paint you can get a £60 fine and points on your licence. Go figure.... ???
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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #80 on: February 02, 2011, 02:47:59 AM »
If I remember correctly, the rule is that "a max of 2 wheels may cross the white circle when manouvering around a mini round-about". Anything more and it's 6 points as you have correctly said.
The worst part of the cameras is that they're now starting to take over the obiquitous parking attendant's role. i.e. if you're spotted parking on a bouble yellow line, you get sent the parking fine at home. If you inadvertently stop in the yellow checked squares in a busy junction and the camera spots you, you get sent a fine at home.
The most fearful invasion of privacy, as I see it here in the UK is where private parking enforcement companies can for a small fee access the DVLA (motor vehicle registering agency) and find out your name and address from you car registration. Now that's scary!!

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #81 on: February 02, 2011, 03:05:10 AM »
I got a speeding ticket after being caught by a camera.
I asked them to send me proof that it was my car and the speed I was doing.
They sent me a photo of my car traveling at 5mph over the speed limit.
I couldn't argue with that and decided to pay up.
I sent them a ...................................

photo of my money :D :D :D :D :D :D

Sam. ;)

Did they send you back a picture of handcuffs? LOL
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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #82 on: February 02, 2011, 03:30:24 AM »
Let me tell you a story...
So I parked in a PCWorld car park to do some Xmas shopping in December, went across the road to Tescos,
came back after an hour and blow me if there isn't a Parking Ticket stuck on my windscreen.
The offence? Not overstaying my time limit, but would you believe LEAVING the car park.
What the *+-*??????   
So I read the small notice about parking and yes it does say it is an offence to leave the car park
while the car is still parked.
Do these people have the right to control my movements?
Anyway as it it is a "private" offence I have ignored there letters and my "fine" in now £180.
Question is do I still keep ignoring them as they are now threatening the bailifs?


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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #83 on: February 02, 2011, 04:04:26 AM »
Let me tell you a story...
So I parked in a PCWorld car park to do some Xmas shopping in December, went across the road to Tescos,
came back after an hour and blow me if there isn't a Parking Ticket stuck on my windscreen.
The offence? Not overstaying my time limit, but would you believe LEAVING the car park.
What the *+-*??????   
So I read the small notice about parking and yes it does say it is an offence to leave the car park
while the car is still parked.
Do these people have the right to control my movements?
Anyway as it it is a "private" offence I have ignored there letters and my "fine" in now £180.
Question is do I still keep ignoring them as they are now threatening the bailifs?

What I think they're saying is that you parked the car in a private car park and then left the area whilst still leaving your car in their carpark. Irritating, I know. There is some really good advice and information on a website called "Honest John"

about how to deal with these things. If it's a private car park that the so-called offence has been committed I would at first speak to the management of tesco or PCworld and confront them with the demands/threats, Usually these people are pretty savvy and arrange to have the penalty quashed. If the harrassment continues you can actually accuse them (the parking enforcement agency or company, not the retailer) through the courts for unneccessary harrassment and threats. Usually they back down. Lastly, if by chance you have committed an infringement, say overstaying the maximum allowable parking time on the supermarket parking lot, the best thing to do is send them a cheque for £10 saying you consider this as full and fair payment of a minor infringement. Whatever you do, don't let it lie and try and forget it.
Remeber this is all a legacy of our loving, hugging, cooing time under the Labour Party.

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Offline Freaky1

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #84 on: February 02, 2011, 05:02:47 AM »
Personally I don't care if the video cameras in the parking lots of major shopping centers, inside the stores, on the interstate, or at the airport film me, I gave up all my illegal activities years ago.  ::)

You just don't get the concept of government intrusion into your personal life.  And, how creeping escalation will eventually put monitors in your bedroom, bathroom, and auto just in case you might do something illegal while there.

...All to make your safety the number one concern.  ::)

You really think they don't already know every web site you visit, every search you do in google, every credit card purchase you make, every phone call you make with your cell phone, or all the groceries you buy at the store? Privacy was dead long ago, just be careful who you vote for because it's the ones who know what's morally right that are dangerous.

You don't HAVE to use the internet or google.  You don't HAVE to use a phone.  You can pay cash at the grocery store.

Privacy is NOT quite dead...yet.  There are still choices that allow you to keep it or at least some of it.  Not all of them are attractive, granted.  But, that doesn't mean we should willingly and eagerly give up the ones we still have, simply because we have lost some, or placidly accept that the ones lost are irreversibly so.

By your logic, we should all stop breathing today, because it is inevitable that someday we will.

All I said was that privacy is dead and if you want to take the discussion to the absolute extreme then that is your choice and here goes. Hopefully you enjoy living in a box in the middle of the desert because that is about the only way your going to be totally off the grid. Sure you could make all your purchases with cash but how are you going to get that cash? Your job? oops your back on the grid. Ok not that much but you'd need to cash that check an somehow some way that would get back to a bank. I'm tired of this and I could go on and on but who the hell wants to read it?

If your concerned about your privacy and what you have left of it then I suggest you pay attention to the people who want to run our country. When you see people trying to run this country that are more concerned about the morality of our people and not the reality of our people that's when we all need to get a box and head for the desert.
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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #85 on: February 02, 2011, 05:15:31 AM »
I don't know if I agree with you there, Freaky. A friend of mine got himself into trouble with the law a number of years ago. I don't know the ins and outs of it, but he did say how scary it was that the cops knew more about him than he cared to remember. So now he doesn't have a regular job, doesn't have a bank account, no cards, no house, no car no mobile phone nothing. It's all in his wife's name. Everything he does is cash only. As far as the uk gov is concerned, he doesn't exist.
In some ways I see the wisdom of his ways, but I am one of those ants that craves security and stability and protection by the system. I want a pension and health insurance etc. Giving up part or nearly all my privacy is the down payment for that security and stability.
Unfortunately for my mate, he has none of these. Now that he's still in his mid forties it still works for him. What's he gonna do when he hits 65?

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #86 on: February 02, 2011, 07:14:20 AM »
Is there any way to unsubscribe from a thread on this forum?  :P
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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #87 on: February 02, 2011, 11:09:28 AM »
Is there any way to unsubscribe from a thread on this forum?  :P

Yes, of course.  Just delete your account.  :P
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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #88 on: February 02, 2011, 11:58:29 AM »
My b8&5H about the cameras has nothing to do with traffic control, I think places that have them may have lower accident rates since at least some of the folks in that town are aware of them and perhaps are a little more cautious in those areas. They are not, however, "still" cameras, thay are in fact video "EYES", and the "still pic" is a software function of that particular device. These are Surveillance cameras, anyone can buy them nowadays, you can buy a 4pack down at Fry's and mount them on the four corners of your roof and maintain a video log of everything that happens on the viewable property. Surveillance...get used to the word, that's what it is and knowing what the word means, hopefully, makes it less scary. "They" are watching. one cop in a room with 6 video monitors is almost the same as having 6 cops, one on every corner, and the cop doesn't even need to stay in the room with the monitors all the time, they can be on the street, and refer to the vids only when necessary. Video reproduction is amazing these days so while a cop watching the vid on the corner can't do anything to stop a crime in progress, they do have the capability to compile damning evidence in any surveilled area. They aren't watching "you" all the time, at least at this point, but the cameras DO have the ability to observe and record real time action where ever the camera is pointed, and if you happen to be in the scene, good or bad, it is up to "them" to decide whether that particular data stream is worth backing up as evidence. And don't think that the grainy low def vids you see of guys robbing a 7-11 are cutting edge cameras..those have been in place a LONG time and 7-11 isn't a leader in cutting edge "stop loss" technology. We've got redlite cameras in Beaverton, my neighbor got one for exceeding the speed in an area where pretty much everyone does it, not sayin it's right, but I will say LOTS of people around here tend to have their own interpretation of "speed limits", anyway, he mentioned it when he got back that nite and figured, heck it was night, he didn't think he looked directly at the camera and the dirt on his windshield may have occluded the, a couple weeks later he got a decent pic of himself with a pic of his license plate and that "OH S%$*" look on his face, everybit the quality of his driver's license photo, along with the $185 ticket. They're coming, no ones gonna stop them, the only way to stay out of view is to stay on the fringes where there are no cameras. But eventually, there will be no fringe left..Not paranoia..just part of life in the 21st century. The only way to protect yourself is to make sure there are laws giving you the same rights they have, this Illinois (?) law that makes it illegal to vid a cop "doing his job" is a BIG step toward big brother control and abuse of this particular "power". Fight back !
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 12:09:05 PM by Ndstrylgrnrngr »
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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #89 on: February 02, 2011, 12:00:21 PM »
Besides...these things are a LOT more expensive than a camera....
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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #90 on: February 02, 2011, 12:17:31 PM »
The best thing to do is probably call your congressman and talk to him about it. Talking about it in the dark corners of the internet on forums is exactly the kind of thing that makes you a suspicious person. Words like "big brother" and "gun control" already have you flagged in the system. gets them wondering what it is you have to hide. next thing you know there is a black car circling your block or following you to work. Your telephone company is doing "repairs" at all hours of the night. You hear that click click noise on your cell phone. Your internet speeds up and slows down because they are capturing packets.

Theyre probably out there right now... Quick look out the window!

Or you know move to the mountains. These are the prices you pay for the security and safety of living in civilization.
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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #91 on: February 02, 2011, 01:51:53 PM »

Theyre probably out there right now... Quick look out the window!

#$%*ing black helicopters always following me when I'm doing my shopping!! 8) 8) ;D

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #92 on: February 02, 2011, 02:32:46 PM »
They are not, however, "still" cameras, thay are in fact video "EYES", and the "still pic" is a software function of that particular device.
The red light camera's we use have to flash regardless of whether it day or night to highlight the number plate so that it can be identified clearly, they don't do video...I have read that you guys have both systems, some take video and some don't.

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #93 on: February 02, 2011, 05:26:45 PM »
We are going to Scotland for the last two weeks in April.  We will be in Edinburgh, the Grampians, and then to Skye.  Any of our U.K. members know how common these things are in Scotland? While I don't usually speed when I have to drive on the wrong side of the road I will be more aware. ;)  We tend to stay off the main motorways and take secondary roads.

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #94 on: February 02, 2011, 06:04:15 PM »

Theyre probably out there right now... Quick look out the window!

#$%*ing black helicopters always following me when I'm doing my shopping!! 8) 8) ;D

Amen Gordo, Amen...  ;D

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« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 06:05:59 PM by Industrial-sized Dukiedook »
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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #95 on: February 02, 2011, 08:30:34 PM »
WOW.... :o  Did they make him take of his tin foil hat.?..... ???

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Re: Is it true? Europeans.....
« Reply #96 on: February 05, 2011, 08:53:54 AM »
Well, at least Gordon is not complaining about the black helicoptors.  ???

Are there 'black helicoptos' in Europe that harrass people?
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