At least we can buy socks on Sunday now!
I think that has to do with the Texas Blue laws. For instance if Socks-R-Us wanted to break for the Sabbath in celebration of Jeezus, then other [read SATANIC] businesses that sold socks would be in unfair competition with the good Christians who close on Sunday. It was particularly effective on making sure there was no beer on Sundays back in the day.
I think that is what Tipster is referring to, the "blue Laws."
And back on topic, can't we train these spark plug crackers to sell pencils on the street corner and cooperatively realize that buying a pencil on the street corner might be a way to also reduce crime by inderect means?
I mean for real. last time those f#$@kers hit cost us almost $700 in glass and parts to smash and grab a radar detector that was worth perhaps $10 at the pawnbroker.