All things considered, mine did GREAT!

I bought my bike for a $100. It was an absolute mess. I literally pulled it out of the weeds where at sat in the previous owners backyard abandoned for 15+ years. It's a '78 750k. Aside from the basic maintenance like changing the oil, checking the valve clearances and timing, I've done absolutely nothing to the engine.
Up until this past Sunday, the longest I had ridden it in a day was about 50 miles. In fact I only had about 300 total miles on it since getting it registered.
Well can imagine my surprise when I got home late Sunday night after flogging it for 7 straight hours, averaging about 65 miles per hour for 274 miles! By the time I got home, I had only three minor problems:
1) small oil leak out of the tach housing on the valve cover
2) tail light went out
3) developed a stumble under 4k rpm
Not too shabby for a 40 year old motorcycle! A true testament to the Honda SOHC4!