I see it a little differently. Having him alive, on trial, being interrogated, now that would not be discreet and would very likely inflame his followers. And while I agree this should have come years earlier it is better late than never.
I think it was handled in a very smart way. Get in, pop him, and get out quick. Dump the body, no photos, treated as a non-entity really. While he will always have the notoriety as the 9-11 mastermind he will soon disappear from the news cycle to be brought out maybe once a year on the 9-11 anniversary. The dustbin of history and in the end an unimportant individual. After a few weeks I don't think this President or future ones should utter his name again. With the changes coming in the Middle East he will fade once out of the media spotlight.
The other option would be getting him alive and having a trial. It would be Osama 24/7 on the news cycle for months and maybe years. Constant media attention to inflame his followers. I am sure this was thought out and there was never any intention of taking him alive. This would far outweigh any intelligence value he would provide. He was after all the inspirational leader. Better to get the lower level nuts and bolts guys who do the actually "work" like KSM and Ramzi bin Alsheed for interrogation. Any info he could provide was probably gained in all the gear they swept up.
In the end Osama played his proper part, standing in front of a bullet for the symbolic victory that this country and the democratic forces in the Middle East needed to move on.