I seriously don't believe in "war against ideas" such as the "war on drugs" or the "war on terror", no matter how you "fight" it, people everywhere are, at one time or another, gonna wanna change their attitude, or state of consciousness, so a war on "drugs" can never be won, neither can a war on "terror", since any aggrieved party will always feel "terrorized" by the other side. A war on terror can never be won and will never end. Having said that, the US has actually declared, and congress approved, an actual "war on terror", we are legally engaged in a state of war against "terror", together with most of the world as our allies. OBL was a leader of a religious/"terrorist" opposition that had, in fact, declared war on us first, and 9/11 was NOT the first strike in that war. So, when an enemy combatant, bedridden or not, armed or not, is killed in a military action, it's a casualty of war, not an assassination. It is not an armed incursion on sovereign territory, Pakistan has signed on as an ally in our war on terror. Can't say whether that alliance is really based on a common belief in the evils of terror, or the fact that we send them big handfuls of millions of dollars in aid, but we do have their "permission" to be there...