For those of you who dabble in body work or those on a shoe string budget- step away from the Krylon and step away from the Rustoleum .
Urethane based 2K paint is the only way to go . It is solvent (gas) resistant and tougher than that last slice of pizza that'd been in the fridge for a week

Now I have seen and done some pretty nice spray bomb jobs back in the day but they chip so easy you could scratch all that hard work away with your finger nails!
Also the inevitable drip at the pump (and it will happen sooner or later no matter how careful you are) and it's ruined.
Step in Spray Max 2K in a can = this stuff is great ! Use to use some duplicolor enamel or whatever suited my needs from the local parts store and shoot the 2K Clear over it for gas proofing and High Gloss but I found out you can order Spray Max 2K loaded with any color paint code from any vehicle you like! I was excited to see how some of the metallic paints which traditionally would be should in two stages would do in the can and I am very impressed!
I used the paint code from a 2010 Honda Fit ( that's right a HoNDA

) it was a Brilliant Orange metallic which was kinda of a darker burnt brown goldish orange and it came out pretty awesome -
I did all you see below with one can from here 18$ Not to shabby and I am gonna pull up beside a Honda Fit after I wrap up my striping and decal work for a picture to show how spot on the color was!
anywho here are cell phone pix, more to come after I finish the decals-

even had enough to do an old scratched up helmet.....