I got caught up in cleaning the bike and forgot to take picks of it dirty. I spent two hours with a pressure washer on this thing and it's far from clean.

Battery, just sitting there. Going to have to figure out a solution for mounting the battery..open to suggestions

No baffles. I need some this bike is stupid loud. Can anyone identify these pipes or someplace I can get some baffles?

Lots of corrosion on the forks, will be pulling these and buffing that out. Also will be replacing the 'ears' with some billet units.

Here you can see the mess the wiring and the brake hose is.

So after washing the bike I tried to fire it up and got nothing. Checked for spark and nada. I'm pretty good with mechanicals but electric is not one of my strong points. I pull the #4 spark plug wire to pull the plug and the boot falls to the floor. I push it back in and pull the plug they it's black as coal. Double check for spark. Nope. So now I'm trying to find my way through this rats nest of wiring with my test light. I unplug and re plug and notice I have no tail light or brake light. I start pulling those wires and unplug one set and the light comes on...brake light too. On whim I hit the starter and it fires right up. Let the bike warm up and this time I open the choke all the way the thing just spins right up. I have no idea what I did but it worked. I'm thinking there might have been a short in the tail light and/or the #4 plug wire wasn't making a good connection. Regardless I'm taking this bike to someone who knows wiring and having them wire it and remove all the useless wires.
So here is whats on the menu:
New tank and seat/bobbed front fender/paint
New tail light
Black ceramic coating on the headers
New controls (front brake and clutch)
New electrical buttons and re-wire.
Front brake hoses
Shorter clutch/throttle cables.
New bar end mirrors
New rear sets set up