I know this will never ever happen, but if enough fans would finally get fed up to where they would stop paying to watch them some things might change in all of pro sports. We have millions of good, honest, hard working people in this country that want to work but can't find jobs and are losing there homes and can't take care of there family's because there trying to live on there unemployment check or there unemployment has run out. And than we have these pro players and owners who are already making millions and millions on top of millions and still aren't satisfied and still want more and more. I guess a half dozen high dollar cars in there drive way and several million plus $$ homes across the country and abroad and don't forget there luxury yacht anchored out back is not enough. Nothing but plain and simple GREED! But Pro sports is not the only problem. Movie and TV stars, CEO's, Political figures, recording artist, etc. The money that all these individuals make it's hard for my mind to compute it all. I just read where 19 year old teenager Selena Gomez is being paid $30,000 per episode on her Disney show. All these out of work people would give anything right now to be making that amount a year right now. I just hope she can get by on that small amount

Well I feel a little better now since I got that off my chest.