As you may have noticed, things have been a bit quite on the 550 front for the last few weeks
Unfortunately MrsD had a spell in hospital with a bout of peretonitis(sp?) brought on by a ruptured appendix, so major garage stuff obviously took a bit of a back seat!
I did manage to get out for the odd hour or two here and there to try my hand at aluminium polishing on some of the smaller components and am quite pleased with the results so far:
This is the left side rearset from a Suzuki Hayabusa, it's foot peg has been replaced with one from a '98 GSX-R750 and the gearbox crank is from a FireBlade. Most of the brake caliper parts are now polished and I'm well on with the top triple clamp but their photos didn't come out to well, So I'll try again tomorrow
The major occurrence this week though is the arrival of a little package from the good ole US of A
Courtesy of one Mr M Rieck, occasionally of this parish, thanks Mike
The big job now will be to get the rest of the bike up to the standard of that beauty
Now that MrsD is pretty much fully recovered the focus is back on, the frame should be off to the powder coater's place in a week or so, there's some more machining needed to bring the 750 back wheel onto the bike's centreline, and there's still plenty of painiting and/or polishing left to do
Finally, last weekend my Sister and I were instructed to clear the last of our crap from our parent's house. In amongst all the junk I came across this rather well preserved specimen:
It's a 1:12 Tamiya kit, I built it whilst I was still at school, over twenty years ago, and thought it was long gone