I got part of this done a while ago, but finally got to taking pics tonight so...
LED components were actually red auxiliary lamps from farm and fleet (also available at most places where trailer stuff is sold.) The original lamps are two small LEDs encased in a red housing, back with epoxy, and mounted via two holes on either end. I took three units, cut one mounting hole from two of the units, and both holes from the remaining unit. As viewed in the images, they are only pressed into the housing, but eventually they will all be epoxied into place (along with the two end screws.)

The bracket the pieces are pressed into is a simple aluminum piece. Milled to fit the three sections with an access hole in the back for the wiring to emerge through.

The bracket then mounts to another bracket, this one fabbed from mild steel pieces (assorted sizes) which are formed and welded to mount both the rear turn signals and the taillight unit to the frame. This main bracket actually is bolted onto the frame via the same mount that the seat lock mechanism is attached to the frame by.

So when setting up the wiring, I was a bit leary as to the brightness of the LEDs. I should've know better. The three separate units in the taillight are each two LEDs, and I chose one single unit for taillight, and the addition of the two remaining units for brake light. That adds up to two (2) LEDs for taillight and six (6) for brake light. Made the mistake of looking at it when I first plugged in the wires for these pics. Now I see little green spots

First pics are with some garage lights on. Taillight first, brake light second...

These pics are nothing but the LED units lighting up the space. Tail first, brake second...