Also, when you say adjust at the tightest point you are talking about moving the rear tire right? Im sorry once again im still learning. I am a bit shocked at the size of the nut in the rear. What size is that? also if you cud give me a quick guide to adjusting the rear tire id really appreciate it
Yes, a quick primer on adjusting the chain by moving the rear wheel. We'll start on the centerstand, but revisit that issue.
Remove cotter pin, loosen the "big" nutloose, then spin it back tight by hand. Don't know the size, use the tool kit tool or an adjustable wrench.
Loosen the lock nuts on the adjuster bolts, one on each side.
Turn the wheel till the tightest run is on the bottom. turn each adjuster 1 flat at a time. If necessary to get your adjustment. You'll see some index marks on the swingarm and the adjuster bracket. These should align. Exampole if the left is back 2, the right should be back 2. Back to adjusting, till the chain has its prescribed 3/4 inch up and down.
Tighten down the axle nut. At least 50ft lbs which would be standing on an 8 inch wrench. The axle nut holds the wheel in place not the adjuster bolts. Tighten the adjuster bolt lock nuts to keep them in place. Adjust your brake pedal before riding.
Now about the centerstand. The wheel travels thru an arc as it goes up and down. It is furthest from the engine when it is straight back. It is there that the adjustment should be made. But this is hard to do alone. So the default is to put it on the stand. But you'll see the wheel drops down and is closer to the engine. If you adjust at this point, when you drop it off the stand it will tighten up too much. So you have to experiment, with help, and figure out where it should be with weight on it v on the CS. Once you know you're own bike you can do it on the stand without help.