I got a phone call today from a mate, his next door neighbour was selling his bikes. He had a CB350 and a Suzuki A100. I went around for a look after work, the A100 is pretty much toast. The 350 on the other hand is half way through a resto and not in too bad condition other than being completely dismantled. I asked the guy how much he wanted for them and he said "Make me an offer." I offered $50 for the pair expecting to be turned down and he agreed

, keeping in mind that around here I could sell the A100 as is for $200-$300. The Suzuki I don't particularly care about, but the Honda I was definately interested in. I have got another A100 I'm currently working on so this one will be good for parts, I guess. The Honda I loaded into the back of my car and the Suzuki I will go pick up in the next couple of days.

Now to go find some room in the shed to squeeze the 350 in.

After a quick search of the VIN it is a 1970 CB350K2