Let me say this, if you guys want some of the most compliments you can get around town, drive a cb450. In just 8 days of driving it, I've had to stop and talk with 10 people. 
This one of the many joys of riding a classic bike. You'll get the same on your 750 when its done. I experience the same with my CB400F and my CB360T.
Jas, it's a '78 CB125s. Picked it up for $1,000 yesterday. $3,000 miles, all original.

That is a gem, nice find, and another good deal. It'll give you something to ride while the 450 is down for the resto -- or are you waiting 'till the 750 is on the road first.
I see you've got MHMCS (Multiple Honda Motorcycle Syndrome). It is quite common on this forum. You'll see from the signatures many of us have that many of us have it, so you're in good company.
I found a nice 68 CB 450 but not for 4K. 
Love the 125S! Glad you secured it. Keep an eye out for a Super 90 (S-90) and I'll do a road trip your way. 
tt -- nice 450! I love the K1's. As for the S90, are looking for one ready to ride, or a project? I love them too, but don't currently have room for another bike.