It is simple math not rocket science. I was simply giving a reason why his local taxes may be rising. I think it is important to understand a situation and not just complain about it. BTW, I certainly do not benefit from the tax code.
Understood. There is a teeter totter effect of where the money comes from. My concern is that it must be fought philosophically. Spending cuts, no new revenues (they have enough already). And in my opinnion no one benefits from the tax code, though many think they do.
Once again, I sit across the table from those that receive massive welfare checks in the form of tax credits (low income people) and they do not want this to end.
There was a recent article in a single mother making $29,000 has more money to spend after adding in the credits and food stamps, than if she were making $69,000 salary. A system like this will implode, given time.
As to local taxes, it's shown over and opver that paying teachers more does not yield a better product. The localpolitics must have smaller government and lower taxes front of mind at all times, otherwise you get the tax rate/fee creep that has been noted. Simply having voters vote to raise taxes and accepting that as right is a dead end. California voted higher taxes and the wealth drain is starting to pick up, people moving out.