+1 What He Said. Summed it up pretty well.
I can understand someone on a low budget making compromises to come up with
some reasonable transportation. Done it myself in a different time in my life. What gets me is where do they get the idea to carry that compromised, rattle canned, cosmetically challenged work of art to a bike show. The very first cafe I ever saw, when I did not know what a cafe racer was, impressed me as a make shift hybrid of bites of pieces from different models and manufacturers cobbled together for the purpose of completing the bike and making it functional. The overall impression was the owner/builder could not afford model matching parts, so he just bolted up whatever was laying around in the garage or could be cannabalized from the local junk yard. Definitely not impressed.
Don't get me wrong, there are some well thought out, mechanically safe, visually pleasing works of art out there. Some really, really nice cafe examples. Just not enough. Kinda like a novice seeing a Picaso for the first time, being convinced he can duplicate the work of art, brings home his 'paint by numbers kit' and begin HIS masterpiece. Ok, just don't take it to the art show I say. Stickman