Mr. Bill (saved my ass) Benton found a locator ring for me!!!!
Is there anything he does not not have??
Bill is the Man.
The ayes have it, and the minutes shall reflect it. Bill is the man
I counted and bagged up all 370 nuts, bolts, washers, springs, and various bits and pieces to be zinc plated, but when I called down to make sure the boss was there to give me an estimate, he (the boss) told me that the last guy I talked to was confused and they don't actually do zinc plating, only nickel...well, that's not exactly what I need, so he directed me to a place a little further away, which was nice of him. When I called the guy a little further away, he was a jerk on the phone, so I decided to check the reviews on him...well, he's apparently not so great to deal unless I want to mail off every single fastener for this bike, I'm stuck doing it myself. I'm buying the '8' bolt kit from Yamiya, and probably buying a caswell kit for the other major visible stuff like the C-stand hook and spring, the brake pedal spring...basically as many pieces as I can.