I think whatever I can do to be visible, I do..I have stock turnsignals, tail and headlight. I've seen bulbs that blink when you put the brakes on, and I think that would be a good idea. My favorite riding shirt is a white long sleved T-shirt. I had a friend once say "Man, when I look in my mirror, all I can see is your shirt flapping in the breeze!" It means he sees me.. I always ride with my headlight on too...there's a guy in town who rides an Old Black Beemer, and almost never has his light on..he's invisible! I think color is really important too. I used to have a Beige Subaru Wagon, and even though I always had my lights on, I got cut off all the time...On the other end, I had a bright yellow Ford Focus, and in 3 years, I don't think I had even one cutoff!