from my experience the amount of wildlife domestic cats kill is greatly exaggerated
Thats an interesting point of view from you Steve, you come across as a bit of a greenie so i didn't expect that. Over here feral cats are a massive problem, I used to hunt them in NSW, In Queensland they are growing up to and over 40 pounds, they are killing machines as Cal said earlier, the only animal apart from Humans that kill for fun. It depends on the cat but i have seen domestic cats wipe out every living thing within hunting distance from where they live and not just small prey, our possums are savage as hell and quite large and still get killed by cats, I'm sick and tired of picking up dead birds and possums from my yard because my friggin neighbor can't keep his 2 cats inside, they both have bells on their necks and still manage to kill, the only good use for a cat is in a crab pot...
I make the distinction between feral and domestic cats. A few years ago there was a study that blamed the decline in birds to domestic cats and according to their numbers the cats had to catch 1 or 2 birds a day, every hogwash. Lets blame the cats and deflect attention from habitat destruction for shopping malls, pesticides and chemicals we humans pour into the environment, etc, etc, we couldn't be responsible could we?
I have had cats for at least 30 years and I never had one that would catch more than a 3 or 4 birds over the course of an entire year....some never caught a bird. Just today the white cat was outside and caught a mouse and came up to my wife with it. In a stern voice Jackie told the cat to put the mouse down and she did...the mouse ran away.
I understand some people don't like cats. Even domestic cats are wild animals, essentially miniature tigers and that's what I admire about them and their independent nature. Not for everybody some people seem to prefer the dependent, slobbery, eager to please dog personality. But an animal that has a tendency to eat it's own sh!t and constantly shove it's nose in your crotch.....not for me.
Some friends have a dog and cat and when the dog hears the cat in the litter box it runs down to eat the poop. They finally had to build a box to house the litter box with a small entry...... what's not to love?