Junkyard... hoarding...I can relate to this issue. Thought I've figured it out.Got extra parts, buy extra bikes and use the parts. Then at some point the extra parts that you aren't using can be considered "spares" for all of your bikes...Yeah , that way they aren't extra anymore.
This only works if you can use all of your 1st generation of extra parts, you must take them off the shelf or outta the box and mount whatever it is on the bikes you have ...or soon to have... the ones you sold don't count get rid of that stuff so's you can rotate stock.
There are rules to this ,ya know.
All "new to you" extra parts not being used immediately will now be considered "spares".
There is however , a point in time when this reasoning no longer works. When this happens, it is no longer considered an overstock issue as you may have once believed.
Turns out it really is a real estate issue. That's right , a real estate issue, you don't have enough of it, you see. It's not your fault that when you bought the house , you had no idea how small it really was, or just how much room you would require at this later day.
But depending on the amount of land you have, this may be an easy fix ( it's allot like my motto, the more you have the better off you'll be), if you have no space rent space, if you have lots of land it's time for a small shed or giant warehouse. It's hard to tell really what you may require at a later date, that seems to be a common rule especially associated with real state on a global basis. See?
Whatever you do, don't take pictures of too much of your stuff. People might think you're a hoarder.