Ok I think I actually got a working solution for you. To recap we talked about robotic battery dispensers, wireless chargers, and electric scooter rental.
Now here is something that could work closer to the way you want and there is already an example in use. You know when you go to Price Chopper or Lowes and they have a propane exchange you could do the same thing with a battery exchange.
Batteries get locked up in a box and the store gets a small cut of the action to have the storage box on site. At the end of the day the drained batteries are collected and recharged.
You could geek out and have a charger built in the box. The battery would need a case that works like a dim rail so it plugs in similar to a phone, or carera battery.
Lot of potential. Still it will only be popular in cities. You could have bigger batteries for electric motorcycles. Capitial cost would be low it you start with a storage box then automate latter. You could patent the shell and make a killing, and get recurring revenue from the juice.
Hope that makes sense. Man I am doing good saved the world and raked the leaves all before dinner.