I just reinstalled my carbs in 45 - 50 degree (F) weather. no heating up. no vaseline. and it wasnt that hard. i dont think its because of my super strength either. I take off all the intake boots and put the exhaust boots on the carbs. then i slide the carbs into position and shove the four exaust boots into the head. eventually they all rock down to flush. then it is a matter of sueezing the intake boots into the airbox inside ones first then outer ones and shoving the airbox onto the carb intakes, a little rocking again and they flush up. then i put the metal collars back on the intake boots (the ones on the exhaust side never came off the boots) and tighten everything up. remount the airbox. good to go.
with the collars off or totally loose, it doesnt seem all that hard to slide the boots over their ports. am i missing something?