Well I got the engine apart and found some very weird surprises.
First surprise - there were no broken piston rings and no sign of a blown head gasket. Hmm, interesting...
Second surprise. Those OEM oil orifice seals appeared to have disintegrated. It's not clear if that happened during disassembly, but the rubber was pooched. These came in a NOS Honda OEM gasket kit. I had a light layer of hondabond around the seals, and Copper Coat on the head gasket. I'm not sure if they fell apart from age, heat, reaction to the copper, who knows. Maybe I sprayed brake cleaner down there or something and don't remember. Either way, they were fried, but there was no sign of oil leaking past the head gasket.
Third surprise - All four of the pistons tops and valve faces seemed equally sooty and nasty, after only about 100 miles. Though plugs 2/3/4 weren't the worst compared the #1
Fourth surprise, and this is the BIG one. I went to check that I put the rings in #1 in correctly, as that is the cylinder that seemed to burn a boat load of oil. I couldn't find the "top" marking, though I could on the other 3, so I decided to remove the ring for a close look. It does seem that I had it in correctly, but I decided to check the ring end gap. My service manual says the range is 0.1 - 0.3mm, with an absolute max of 0.7. I was somewhere around three times that!! I had a .5, .55 and .6 stacked together and it still fit. WTF.
I never filed these rings. They are NOS OEM Honda. What is weird is that I remember clearly measuring the ring gap and have in my notes that they were close, but still under the max range. So what on earth happened... Maybe I measured it wrong. Or is there some possible way they could have worn that badly so fast? I wouldn't think so...
So I removed a ring from #4 to compare. It was better, but still measured at 0.7, the max limit.
Cylinders look good. Pistons feel snug in the bore.
What next? I'm thinking I could spring for new rings, but what if they are just as loose? Then I'm out $100 for rings. Maybe I just buy the Cruizin Image 393 and bore out the block, then I know everything is good.
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